Written on: January 31, 2016
We are firmly committed to green energy solutions that not only enhance comfort and convenience for our customers, but also save money over the long term while protecting the environment.
That’s why we are the only heating oil company in our service area that delivers B20 BioHeat®. Other companies at best use only a 2% or 3% blend of biodiesel. Because of our higher blend, the B20 BioHeat® we deliver burns more cleanly than natural gas! Our B20 BioHeat® not only helps the environment; it helps your wallet too.
Clean-burning B20 BioHeat® improves heating system efficiency, extends equipment life and reduces service calls. New York State encourages the use of this fuel—to the point where they provide a 20¢-per-gallon credit on your state income taxes. As a result, a customer who uses 800 gallons of B20 BioHeat® a year can look forward to a $160 tax rebate.
For our New York customers, we recently mailed out your 2015 annual usage as well as the tax credit form and instructions. For your convenience, we have a tax-credit claim form and instructions on our website, which you can download and print. Click here to view the Clean Heating Fuel Credit form.
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions about this tax credit. It’s just another way you benefit from the Westmore Difference!