Bioheat® Fuel

Westmore Delivers B20 Bioheat Plus® Fuel in NY and CT

Westmore Fuel delivers clean-burning B20 Bioheat Plus fuel, which is a blend of 20% biodiesel with 80% ultra-low sulfur heating oil. Our Bioheat Plus fuel is rack injected at our marine storage terminal. Afterward, every heating oil delivery we make comprises this premium, eco-friendly heating fuel. Among the many communities who rely on us for home heating oil delivery are Stamford, CT, Greenwich, CT and Port Chester, NY.

Bioheat Plus fuel dramatically reduces emissions of particulate matter, sulfur dioxide and carbon dioxide. Its growing use will eliminate thousands of metric tons of carbon dioxide each year in Connecticut and New York. It is also a great way to decrease our country’s dependence on foreign oil since Bioheat fuel is made in America.

This fuel also burns more efficiently, saving you money on heating costs, prolonging the life of your heating equipment and helping the environment. You don’t have to spend any money to modify your heating system to start using our Bioheat Plus fuel.

For additional savings, our New York residential customers can qualify for a 20-cents-per-gallon tax credit on their state income taxes. That translates into a $200 savings for every 1,000 gallons delivered!

What Is Bioheat Fuel: 6 Fast Facts

  • Bioheat fuel mixes low-carbon renewable liquids like biodiesel with conventional heating oil.
  • Biodiesel is a gallon-for gallon substitute for petroleum-based fuels, which have a higher carbon intensity.
  • By 2030, it’s estimated that biodiesel will displace more than 500 million gallons of conventional heating oil.
  • It’s estimated that widespread regional use of Bioheat fuel already prevents more than 1.5 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions from polluting the atmosphere every year
  • 1.5 million tons of CO2 emissions is equivalent to removing 320,000 vehicles from the road—-or the equivalent of the emissions from the annual energy use in 180,000 homes.
  • The biodiesel blend in Bioheat fuel is composed of various organic products, including vegetable oils.

Bioheat Fuel Benefits

The evolution of our heating fuel into clean-burning B20 Bioheat Plus fuel, along with vast improvements in heating system efficiency, has reduced the number of gallons most homeowners burn. The result: most people really don’t need to get their systems tuned up and cleaned every year, as needed to be done in the past before the advent of Bioheat fuel. Generally, most systems only need to be tuned up and serviced every three years now.

How clean and efficient is Westmore Fuel’s B20 Bioheat Plus fuel? Well, when you combine our ultra-low sulfur heating oil with a 20% renewable biodiesel blend, you get a heating fuel that generates less than a tablespoon of soot per year!

Bioheat fuel:

  • creates fewer deposits in your heating oil system, reducing repairs and minimizing maintenance issues.
  • promotes better air quality because it reduces emissions.
  • costs the same as regular No. 2 home heating oil
  • is grown and processed domestically, which creates jobs and promotes our energy independence.

How Is Bioheat Fuel Made?

Bioheat® fuel is made by blending ultra-low sulfur heating oil with renewable biodiesel. Bioheat® fuel comes in many different blends. For example, our B20 Bioheat Plus® fuel has 20% biodiesel. On the other hand, the B5 Bioheat fuel that other companies may deliver only has 5% biodiesel.

That’s important, because the higher the biodiesel content, the fewer emissions the fuel produces. Biodiesel used to make Bioheat fuel blends is domestically produced right here in the United States.

Reliable Heating Oil Delivery in CT and NY

A secure supply, ultra clean-burning B20 Bioheat Plus fuel and a superior service department are among the attributes that make Westmore Fuel stand out.

We provide fuel and equipment service to Darien, Greenwich, Stamford, and nearby communities in Connecticut. We also deliver fuel and service to New York communities, including Port Chester, Mount Kisco, New Rochelle, and White Plains.

Contact us to learn more about Westmore Fuel, a company built around its customers.

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